Sunday, April 21, 2019

Still Standing.

I didn’t know what this health scare would do to me but here I am, uniquely bent; I don’t break and utterly hormonal.

Learning this temporary new normal.

The part of me that defined womanhood; the part where I believed in feminine energy and love was ripped away, in so many ways, on two separate days and I had no choice.
It doesn’t matter.

I am brave with my life and I am unafraid to fail.
Believing in that love was a fail.
I didn’t know what to expect and the real complications that have since appeared reiterate why it’s difficult to deal with mental, physical and financial issues, in solitude.

But, I’m good.
No. I’m not.
I’m not good, but I want to be...

Because that’s who I am and I put on a brave face when it hurts so bad that I can’t breathe and I can’t see anyone for millennia.

And I don’t want to see you for millennia.
Or the thereafter.

Because that too, was a lie.

I neither want nor desire any sort of pity or sacrifice, so don’t bother with the nuisance of it all. Keep my love. You need it more than I do.

I just need the physical strength I could always count on that disappeared when you did.
Unlike most others; I do have time.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

...It Was All A Dream.

She woke up
No longer a super girl living in a super world
Everything was upside-down.

She looked up
The sun no longer shone
But she wasn’t cold
Because it was never there to begin with


She made it bright
And didn’t shade; she wasn't blind.

So she listened.
The words stabbing the backs of her eyes
Allowing the leaks to pour
Seeing the truth
Curtains pulled from the booth
The wizard was just a man.

A broken little boy
The emperor with no clothes
And all she wanted was the rose
And the promise of no lies.

What a fool was she
Believing that he...
When it was all but a ruse.

May she remove
All memories, Gambit.
Thy mate is Rogue.


#iAm #TheStorm
Ororo. Munroe.
I live here. By choice.
You may Marvel from afar.

A DC Universe.

Christopher Reeves died a long time ago, anyway.

A Wolf in Wolves Clothing

iAm We are      but humans for the world to see There’s millions of others But this world, in this moment Is between only you and little ole...