So, I checked my page views and so far this month, there have been four; I'm fairly certain that three are mine. Yes, facetiousness runs in my family, but really...sometimes I have to ask myself "What's the point?"
Point 1: I like to write.
Point 2: I am famous in my own mind.
Point 3: It gives me something to cause the people that claim to love me, to stutter, when I ask...
Point 4: I've taken a few good photos that I like to share before I get old and crumply.
Point 5: I'm getting old and crumply.
Point 6: It's quiet in here and I can study.
Point 7: I like to write.
It doesn't matter if anyone reads, writing is what I do. Unlike some, if one or one million show up, I'll still be here.
See, the thing is, I am not consistent and as such, I am unbothered if others are inconsistent as well. Until of course, I'm not.
Wish me luck on my Civil Procedure Final!
For all intents and purposes, fortunate or un-, this is my Life ;-)~
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