Well since I am here and you, you are apparently here as well, we might as well enjoy a few of my favorite photos...shall we?

Just silly. Everyone else in this photo was serious and smiling sweetly, at a completely different camera. I, however, was blissfully unaware that anyone other than my very own self was even in the room. This is Ingrid's wedding and she is sitting right next to me, but this was my moment; I'm sure she agrees. Lol. Hippies are always throwing up the Peace sign. Whatever happened to Love? All we ever really need is Love, yes?
I have never been this hot in my E-N-T-I-R-E life. True Story. And not hot in a gorgeous-I'm-so-sexy-I-can't-breathe-my-own-air kind of way. I literally could not breathe my own air. It was like 1000 degrees...ok, Im over-doing it a bit but it WAS about 117 degrees IN THE SHADE. Being cute was clearly not an option, as you can see the hair was going W-A-Y up into a ponytail.
I'm actually laughing and smiling. Unbelievable. This never happens. That day was a really great day.
Kind of mischievous.
Ok, now this one I'm kind of on the fence with, it is a CLOOOOOOOOSE up, but it's kind of nice. My eyes look ridiculously huge and I look totally serious. I am very rarely ever totally serious. Also, my hair has a few odd colors running through it. Today it's just pretty much greying, but sexily so...so to speak.

Ok, goodnight people...but not goodbye...I Never Can Say Goodbye, really. Would you even want me to?
For all intents and purposes, fortunate or un-, this is my Life ;-)~
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