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Me. |
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Digital Download Commitment
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
The Devil is Busy
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Nettie Stevens...Because Science.
Nettie Stevens discovered XY sex chromosomes. She didn't get credit because she had two X’s.

Before Stevens, we were utterly clueless about how embryos become boys or girls
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Microscopes haven't changed much... |
The mealworms that held the secret of sex determination
Stevens didn’t get credit for her revelatory work — at first
(As published on http://www.vox.com/2016/7/7/12105830/nettie-stevens-genetics-gender-sex-chromosomes)
Sineca Tsai, 2016 Graduate!
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So. Proud. Of. Him. |
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Why is Nyla like his biggest fan...? Maybe because they share a birthday (along with my first BFF Felicia and My Auntie Charlene, lol, all on February 13! - both Ingrid & Therese are in April.) |
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My beautiful oldest and youngest, 9 years, 2 months, and 1 day apart...Jazzi-Phae had to work ;(, but she was there in spirit! |
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#Him |
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Because Truth and Justice.
Second, how many of us need to die before there is change in our community...?
Third, I am personally on a mission.
Fourth, This. Speech.
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Jesse Williams of Black and Swedish heritage. |
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Aryn and Jesse Williams. Her hair though...! |
Thursday, June 9, 2016
And so I write. And write. And write.
Until spent.
Until that emotion is under control.
Until then...
*Heart Chakra to Crown Chakra - Overload of endorphins - Flood Warning
The Last Little Mohican.
Well, let me be clear, lol. Sineca is much more cerebral than celebratory. This elation is not from Young Master Howell, himself. He pretty much takes everything in stride. Being an Aquarian, he's just so cool on all active and inactive fronts (unless we're talking Call of Duty, where he is extremely UN-in-stride, hollering at folk to just never ask him to let them join his Mission, like ever, in the history). On so many beautiful levels, he's just never considered failure, despite the complications, and neither did I. I knew the risks, and I knew his humble health beginnings and more importantly I knew from his fiery competitive nature that he was blessed from birth and not only would he survive; he would THRIVE!
#BeWaterMyFriend - Bruce Lee
He isn't into basketball, although his genetic make-up and his cousin Julian would belie this thought. He isn't very much into football, although his on-field technique and his Dad would belie this thought. He is, however, into Muay Thai Kickboxing, could quite easily kick a hole into someone's chest actually and loves to spar with said Dad. I have NO IDEA (2) where this fighting spirit came from but thankfully it was honed in, regulated (insert smirking Emoji here) and put to good use.
That's how many days I watched him fight for his life, and my life. Watched him lay in an incubator hearing the nurse whisper the unlikelihood of Sineca making it through the night having been born at a 23-week gestation, as if he could not hear them. They told me to prepare myself for what could be a really rough but ultimately peaceful evening. I laughed at her then because I knew his life was meant to be. She didn't know the power I knew of, she didn't know his sister was a 23-week preemie and she was as close to perfect as any person breathing could ever be, she didn't know his brother was gifted in untold categories, she didn't know how desperately his father prayed for him; a chip on and off the old block.
And still to this day: I do not.
I keep my promises.
Why he is here is between he and The Almighty One and somehow that email reminded me of that and that: We. Are. Here...
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- Speaks his mind ceremoniously
- Is witty and comical and acerbic
- Has grown so much over the last year
- Laughs at most of my jokes, even the ones that I mess up
- Logically makes assessments far beyond his years
- Thinks he know EeevveRryyThing
- Has great taste in movies, if not music (#Goodgrief)
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Young Master Howell |
Y'all got me preaching up in here this afternoon and I am the least religious person on earth. Lol.
Look at God.
I am so happy.
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(Sineca at his first concert as an adult; Future and his Purple Reign tour. His first ever concert was his brother's show in Philadelphia.) |
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(Peter Parker phase. It took Sineca a full 9 years and 11 months before he acquiesced to NOT believing he was Spider-Man.) |
(1) Meaning of Sineca: Still waters, elevate. They do and he did. Oh hell, I’m going to need more tissues.
(2) Have we even met? Lol
(3) *When cult leader Jim Jones had his followers drink that drink (Hence the phrase, Don't drink the Kool-Aid), there was one woman, Catherine Hyacinth Edwards Thrash, who was hiding herself from a minor infraction deserving punishment, subsequently falling asleep, under a bed, and missing the command to drink that drink and when interviewed, her words above have always haunted me. She said, out of all these dead people, it's just me left, I was the onliest one…
*Onliest is obviously not a word, but neither were Bootylicious or Gigantinormous until they were. #Sheeple (insert rolling eyes emoji). I'on't see y'all telling Bey she made up a ridiculous word. And what Bey got on ya girl, but money? (Smirking Emoji. Obvs.)
(4) Well not yet, but in a few days ;)~...but go on and holla atcha girl!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Because Love
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I've been Power to the People since inception. (*Insert smirking Emoji, RBG flag, and fist in the air.) |
Little One?!
That's just what I do.
Regardless of what YOU do.
Love is the light in my darkest days; the Life in my most iniquitous nights.
...and there have been too many to share and, truthfully, I no longer keep count and I haven't in millennia.
...and I've been here just that long.
...and I've loved You just that long. In this Life and in the next.
I want. I care. I love.
...but I do not need.
It's as simple as that.
It is unfortunate, in some circles, that men and women view these terms in disproportionate ways, need and want. It seems as if men need to feel needed while women want to feel wanted and somehow or another over the years, never the twain shall meet?
Not. Really.
Unselfishly. This is so not about you (singular). It's about the two of you (plural). Two people. Not one. You. Collectively.
I mean, can it be explained it any clearer?
You would think it was like, Rocket Science. This is so not that complicated.
Align those chakras and get at me*.
Some people only see the love they choose to recognize. They see how they love or want to be loved. The unfortunate never seem to grasp the understanding of how someone else wants to be loved, and there inlies the problem.
You must learn to Love.
The how's and why's can be reconfigured.
So. I'm working on my older self by reminding my younger self of some important things.
-- If I could tell Ayesha Reneé anything, before she was Baby Doll or Stormy Weather, before the babies and the boyfriend, before Life and ultimately law school, before the wind shifted beneath her wings, taking her on journeys untold, I would tell her:
2. You are enough.
3. Don't ever be ashamed of how you love, who you love, or who is not worthy of your brain peace.
4. Always dance.
5. You absolutely deserve that happiness.
6. Go to Harvard.
7. Don't ever let That One Go.
It was all in HIS plan and it was all worth it...because, truth be told: Look at God ;), look how beautiful it all turned out...
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Goodnight, Moon...
Huffington Post Article Repost
Mars Appears At Its Brightest Tonight As Planet Moves Into Opposition
The phenomenon comes a week before Mars will make its closest approach to the Earth since 2005.
- Nina Golgowski Trends reporter, The Huffington Post
Get your telescopes ready — tonight’s sky is expected to be a bright one.
Mars will be the brightest it’s been in two years as it undergoes what’s called Mars opposition, an orbital placement that puts the Earth directly between the sun and the Red Planet.
As a result, Mars will be brightly illuminated by the sun’s rays, making it the brightest object in the Earth’s sky, just behind the sun and moon.
“From our perspective on our spinning world, Mars rises in the east just as the sun sets in the west. Then, after staying up in the sky the entire night, Mars sets in the west just as the sun rises in the east,” NASA explains on its website.
It’s a phenomenon that happens once every two years (or 26 months), about the time the Red Planet takes to completely orbit the sun.
On Sunday, NASA estimates that Mars will be 47.4 million miles away from the Earth.
Amateur astronomer Dr. Ian Musgrave, from the University of Adelaide in Australia, has recommended stargazers use telescopes if they have the chance.
“From the point of view of someone standing around looking into the sky, it is just going to be a bright dot,” he told Australia’s ABC News. “But even if you have a small telescope, the disc of Mars will be big enough to see details and maybe even the polar cap.”
Those who miss Sunday’s event, worry not.
May 30 is expected to be an even bigger show. That’s when Mars will make its closest approach to the Earth since 2005, coming about 46.8 million miles away. That process is called the Mars Close Approach.
From May 18 to June 3, the planet will appear brighter than usual because of its placement. By mid-June, it will start to become faint, as Mars and Earth move farther apart in their orbits around the sun, NASA explains.
Those will miss this month’s festivities will have to wait, but fortunately not a lifetime. The next Mars Close Approach is on July 31, 2018.
A Wolf in Wolves Clothing
iAm We are but humans for the world to see There’s millions of others But this world, in this moment Is between only you and little ole...

Ok, Fang Bangers...are we ready for this? Who is going to meet their true death? OMG... Eric? The Krazy Kaaaaaang of Mississippi? Is anyone...
Alright True Blood Fangers, let's go!