I end things quickly, when in fact, I am ending them.
Of their own accord or whether forced out of necessity, people leave. People leave and people take away their love and really, what can you do? You can begin a new chapter. Nothing more nothing less.
Attraversiamo …
I enjoyed, pondered, learned. Apparently though, my fair-weather blogging book clubbers, it was not your forte, reading Eat, Pray, Love…. Sad. But true. So, I am ending this line of clubbin'. Just like that.
It is what I do. Ask about me.
A lot has happened this September. I have broken many hearts in my heyday and sadly my heart has been broken into a thousand tiny little pieces (isn’t that a book?), as well. Among so many many things my sissy Shakira had not been fairing very well but as always there became a brighter day ;-):
Of their own accord or whether forced out of necessity, people leave. People leave and people take away their love and really, what can you do? You can begin a new chapter. Nothing more nothing less.
Attraversiamo …
I enjoyed, pondered, learned. Apparently though, my fair-weather blogging book clubbers, it was not your forte, reading Eat, Pray, Love…. Sad. But true. So, I am ending this line of clubbin'. Just like that.
It is what I do. Ask about me.
A lot has happened this September. I have broken many hearts in my heyday and sadly my heart has been broken into a thousand tiny little pieces (isn’t that a book?), as well. Among so many many things my sissy Shakira had not been fairing very well but as always there became a brighter day ;-):

…before that, there were darker days but I am not over that just yet…?
I am presently trying to understand the how’s and the why’s of yesterday, yesteryear. And the empty promises of the world we live in. I need to learn, NOT to believe the world is really all that awesome, don’t I? Or is it TO believe? Uugghh!
It is certainly a process. Even at 40 it is a process. Yikes @ 40, right? But I am LOVING it! The only difference for me, personally, with before 40 and “at” is that I could care less what someone else thinks or says of my particular growth spurt. People have made interesting comments on this blog. People that I would never expect to have made such comments. People that are unaware that being the owner of said blog, anonymous tags mean nothing... Long story though, maybe we will have time, some other time to talk about it, because I never cared what people thought, but I was bothered by what people said.
Attraversiamo …
I am ready to begin again and what better way to begin than with my very own Never Look Back? So that is where we shall start the next book clubbing blog, yes? Again, we will do this on Wednesdays, just a few questions and or comments about a few chapters at a time or if this book reads faster than the other one maybe we’ll talk more about people and themes…and the people of The Purple Cipher have enough issues to keep us all laughing for at least the work day…
For all intents and purposes, fortunate or –un, this is…my Life ;-)~
You know, I like the way you write ... Sometimes I even have to read things over so that I understand them haha seriously though, you're really smart!