Thursday, September 2, 2010

Il mio telefonino…

So, I was thinking the other day how very dependent we all are on our cell phones and how such a “convenient” little thing has become an object that is no longer a “sufficient” way to communicate but more so a "necessary" (this is what the LSAT does to a brain…) piece of equipment.


That was a long sentence wadn’t it?

And so when I saw that little phrase in our Book O’ the Month(s) – you lazy readers – I thought, good grief, even a million miles across the globe, in a place where people take a two or three hour lunch, no less, where time has seemingly stood still and the patrons feel no compunction to disturb that stillness, therein lies a need for such a thing.

But I digress.

We are here (is there anyone else out there...?) here to discuss the next six sections of Eat, Pray, Love - that I so strangely continue to call Eat, Love, Pray...I wonder what that means about my psyche...

Having read the sections/chapters 7-12 at this point:

What do you think of this woman's journey into self-revelation, thus far?

Has your heart ever spoken for you the way her heart spoke for her when she saw the Guru in a photo? Meaning have you ever said something beautiful before you had time to think about it?

If you have not, perche'?

In Chapter 9 we begin to see her forming the ways of her declaration and explanation of travel. This led me to the next question - Where would you go, alone, only alone, to rediscover your lost self or to replenish the wonderfulness of who you already are?

And the last question is this: Do you remember the first time you ever spoke to God? The way she spoke was so distant, as if The Almighty was OUTSIDE of her, as if he didn't know her at all. Honestly, I have felt that maybe I'd lost touch for so long, that he didn't care to take me back, lol, but my Almighty is a powerful Almighty and I know that he always has my back!

Ok, let us begin...


  1. My heart speaks for me and I stand back and let her whenever I see a pregnant woman who is glowing, I tell her how beautiful she is, even and especially the very young ones that look so sad and withered. If a woman walks by me and has on something that I like, I tell her that. I appreciate the ability to do that. Some people are so hung up on negative thinking and troubled feelings. I refuse all of that. REFUSE. I don't always get the love in return, but then again, I didn't do it for a reward, it just makes me happy ;-).

  2. GO purchase your copy of "Never look Back" by ayesha more today!

  3. Hey Auntie :-)

    I haven't read the book yet but your questions resonanted something with me and I'm going to try to answer...

    Meaning have you ever said something beautiful before you had time to think about it?

    I this time, I can't remember exactly what it is the current moment, my mantra is 'everybody is a critic'. This came to me after months of beating myself up about not graduating on time. The feelings of failure coupled with existing feelings of worthlessness. order to quiet the voices in my head, I had to say 'everyone is a critic' and move on. It's been working.

    In Chapter 9 we begin to see her forming the ways of her declaration and explanation of travel. This led me to the next question - Where would you go, alone, only alone, to rediscover your lost self or to replenish the wonderfulness of who you already are?

    It has been said that you can find God anywhere, so I would go anywhere I had to....preferably with no huge spiders lol. I can't wake up in the morning with a tarantula on my chest. No bueno.

    And the last question is this: Do you remember the first time you ever spoke to God?

    I don't but I remember times where I opened up my mouth and heart to God. I remember late night conversations, early morning confessionals, middle of the afternoon rants. I remember dreaming about Jesus when I was 4 years old. I remember my 4 year old brother telling me that God loved me when my 11 year old self was crying and felt so alone. So....God has always been around in my life.

  4. Thanks to my Angelface for posting and my Gorgeous Niece Linnea! Muah! Muah! Muah! To both of you ;-)...

    SO what do I think about her declaration and explanation of independence?

    Well I have always felt very connected to the cliche' "Wherever you go, that's where you're at!" Now I may have put a colorful spin on that phrase, it's definitely not wor for word there, but I'm sure you get my meaning. I don't have to travel anywhere to 'find' myself, because no matter where I go, I am still ME.

    The problem is YOU (not the people that you have chosen) and YOU go everywhere with yourself. That was a weird sentence, yes? Kind of like turning your brain in on itself, not unlike the new skills I am supposed to be learning for this LSAT nonsense.

    So yeah, I am not a travel-by-yourself-kind-of-girl, I like company when I am out and about. Of course, I need downtime like everyone else, but not to that degree. And this doesnt mean that I feel like she did a disservice to herself, no not in the least. Because I happen to believe something of a totally opposite degree, does not by any means, mean that what she did and what others choose to do, however different from my choices, is incorrect.

    She found her holy grail by traveling, I am finding mine by writing...


A Wolf in Wolves Clothing

iAm We are      but humans for the world to see There’s millions of others But this world, in this moment Is between only you and little ole...