You're right here reading this blog ;-)~
Ok, we all know how much I simply abhor illiteracy but the above interrogative seemed…fitting, yes? And make no mistake, this quest is for MY Girls and has less to do with acquaintances and more to do with my circle, my cipher, the ones that I love and that love me right back. Which means, to me anyway, that I can let loose a bit (and you still understand where I am, where I have been, where I am coming from, and where I will go). Even though, let’s be honest, I am not the best at being a best-friend or a sister-friend. I am awesome though at being an SSF (Soul Sistah Forever)*. My lifeline to you gets disconnected at times, self-inflictedly. I am who I am and you all accept me for that and that means the world to me.
Enough about all that let us get on to the business of the blog entry for today.
So, here’s my thinking: as SSFs we need to be part of the solution to the world around us and not the problem. One woman out of whack is every woman out of whack (In my humble opinion). Having said that let me say this: When I come across something that is worthwhile I learn from it and I like to share it. I am working on me and I know that there are lots of kinks I am having the darnedest time hammering out, or finding the root cause of, at any rate. I also know that some of my kinks, are also your kinks, and vice versa. But wait…there’s more!
The kinks CAN be hammered, melted-down, and deciphered into it's many many parts. And knowing, as they say, is half the battle.'s the news that I so desperately (inside joke) need to share with you.
I am in love!
I have fallen madly, deeply, devotedly in love with a novel! Ok, you have all heard me say that before…BUT THIS TIME IT’S REAL! “I love him, I love him, I love him!” – fade to black, or commercial as it were…Thelma, Good Times (Circa 1970something). Remember that one? When her hair was corn-rowed all flyy and she wanted to marry that guy and Flo was all up in arms?! HA! Ok, back to the book…
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
I love this book. LOVE not like. Like I love chocolate and shopping and the way babies smell and really really nice shoes and my Elizabeth Grady all day spa day (that only happened like ONCE but so what I loved it!) and good movies and…okay, you get the picture.
So here is what I propose. And yes, this is a somewhat selfish proposal, but here goes nothing: I propose an online book club, starting with this book. I do believe it will change the way some of us think, feel, understand the things we all do for love (the good, the bad, and sadly the ugly…this is not my phrase, it is the title of a Clint Eastwood movie, but it fits). I propose this online club selfishly because as women, we are BUSY but we do deserve and need TIME to ourselves to enjoy friendship and community with other like-minded women folk. Most of you know my hectic, red-tape of a life and I know yours so, the last thing we need is another PLACE to go on a day that could be used for doing other things (Studying for the LSAT, reading in my PJs that I’ve had on since Friday night and it is clearly Sunday afternoon…sitting at the beach, hanging around the wonderful man in your life.)
Stop laughing, this is positive projection here!
HA! Anyways, this is my proposal. This is what I am going to do and I would like you, and whomever you would like to invite, to join me. Please invite people that you feel will join in the conversation with something positive or if they choose not to post anything, that is fine as well. I say this because I am all for open expression, but I am not all for male or female bashing (i.e. men are no good, women are catty, etc.). I don't see how this book could cast that sort of shadow, but seriously, stranger things have happened.
What we will do is read a given amount of chapters (in this book there are 3 “books” so to speak and 36 sections/chapters in each section but the chapters are really really exceptionally short. Some are a page long, some are 3 or 4 pages long…) and then give your synopsis/opinion/feeling each week.
Does this sound like a plan? It is a plan…Brilliant! You so totally ROCK! (a Finding Nemo reference from the turtle dad to the turtle son…this is why I need my SSFs: I’ve been hanging out with Boo-Bear far too much. Even he is like, “Ma…seriously?” Heeheehee
Oh yes, the movie based on this book, is in theaters, but if you want to chat about the book, in the BOOK club, reading the actual text would be optimal. Plus, we all know that the movie will lose some of its umph and trust me, you do not want to miss any of the umph it quite literally smacks you in face. You will say, "Did I write this book and just somehow forget?"
We will start discussing say Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I will update this information once I see how many folks would like to join :-)~
*Sidebar: There is some confusion surrounding the use of “a” and “an” (to be fair some people could care less…I, as you know, am not one of the care-lessers (lessors? Uuuggghhhh). Most of you on this list have cursed at me, or at least had your feathers ruffled (peacock, not chicken) when I have corrected something you have said (DONNA) or written (INGRID)…). Anyway, just so you know it is the SOUND of the word after ‘a’ or ‘an’ that notates which one to use. If the word sounds like a vowel use “an” (an SSF sounds like esss-esss-eff) if it is a consonant sound use “a” (a Unicorn…aren’t they pretty?). OK, go back and finish reading the blog…please and thank you.
For all intents and purposes, fortunate or un-, this is my LIFE

Ok ok...I'm going to go buy this book and make some time. Let's hope I don't get in any accidents trying to read and! jk ;-)
ReplyDeleteI know I'm months late,but I was kinda nervous and didn't know what to write,I am definitely one of those over thinkers =).
ReplyDeleteI am honored that you invited me to be a part of what you are doing,and that you put my picture up there as well. I wish you nothing but the best and you have my full support. I know you will succeed in all that you do,Libra's really have that fiery passion that's needed to complete hard tasks (I learned that from my Dad), and see it within you. I hope you keep being inspired to do what you do best. Your love and kindness towards me really means a lot, Thank you!!! Peace and many blessings~ Mental Enlightenment