Unlike others...I don't show the full velocity of all my vivaciousness (Lol@ +OhMyMiko) so early in the morning...or the afternoon or like ever… *insert smirking Emoji here...
...but let's get into this.
By now, if you're at all into pop-culture, you've either seen the nude photo (yes, she's nude, but the naughty bits - are they really naughty though - have been redacted) or you've heard about it and may or may not be interested in my take on it. (So. Why. Are. You. Here. Again? Lol-ish.)
Strangely enough, I'm not as interested in said photo or photographed, as it may seem, me writing about it and all, but people tend to ask my opinion on such subjects (eleven to be exact) and being an extremely selfless woman I must give the people what they want.
(Flips hair)
The people who find themselves in the limelight intentionally or un-, at times find themselves the focal point of yet another Butterfly Effect1 type of scenario with nary an inkling.
And so, the ponderers of the world, those of us chess-playing every modicum, every miniscule, every minute possibility of any and every situation, we stare into the ether wondering in what world do these people live and how in the ENTIRE world, that these people live in, do they not see what we see?
What I do get is that I see a much deeper incidence than just some woman deciding to photograph herself for likes and I agree and disagree with many of the sentiments that brought the picture to ultraviolet light. Adding insult to injury, not only am I a Libran I am also a writer and I just see things from many different angles. Some good. Some bad. My opinion may not matter to the general population, especially the millennials who tend to appreciate a read in characters of 140 or less, but it absolutely matters in the grand scheme of things that shape the society we live in and the children we raise.
Again, my opinion may not matter, especially to those who somehow discredit my space here with phrases like: "That thing you do"…"Oh, she can write?" I can read too, surprisingly. …"Do people really want to read that much"…"Is that like a topic-topic"…"Is it 'controversial' or does she just want attention"3 ...Do you know what I say to that:
A). Obviously, attention is not an issue for me; I shun it, truth be told and anyhow, are you here reading or nah?
B). Whose blog is this? #Exactly.
C). This is not so much about the controversiality of the latest publicity stunting nudes, as they are wont to be called, but more about feminism and role models.
Yeah, let's get into this.
Briefly, but completely.
Define feminist.
A feminist is a person who believes that women should have equal treatment. Period. A feminist is not, by nature or definition, a male-hating woman. If you hate men, the totality of men: 1). I feel sorry for you, Sun. You got 99 problems…I’m thinking that whole b word might be one..? I mean, I don’t know, but I’d have that checked out. Soon. By a professional. Or Jesus. That’s where I’d go with that one. #iMJustLiterallySaying; and 2). Please take yourself somewhere else, like completely: YOU. ARE. NOT. WELCOMED. HERE.
I love you all, truly and deeply, but this hate mongering, of any kind, is unacceptable and you have got to go thaaaaaaat way. You’re making us all look bad. And if you know me at all, you know for a certainty that looking bad is so not my thing. I guess you were raised that way.
Define role model.
A role model is someone to whom one looks for guidance; someone who possesses a level of knowledge, understanding, stature, health, wealth4, that you aspire to. Having the title of celebrity does not a role model make. #YodaIsSoInTheBuilding. The very definition of celebrity is the state of being well-known and is Christmas-mouse silent on being well-knowledgeable. What does being seen have to do with being a positive person in this world? What does that say about the influence so-called celebrities have on me, you and/or our families?
And that’s the kicker, idn’t it? If and when we speak of these people, let us use their actions or non-actions as conversational springboards to teach our youth how to think, not what to think, which is what both the music and television industries are designed to do. Because, and work with me here, it’s not what our children, biological and otherwise (it really does take a village) see, it’s what our children think and know. TEACH. THEM.
If that woman, who has every right in the world to take a nude photo, decides to do so – forget the fact that she is a married woman and a mother – and posts said photo to keep herself relevant, there is nothing anyone other than her husband can say or has a right to say. You allow your children to have access to these sites that have proven time and again to be a place for the saved and the sinner, alike. If our children are exposed to these things, take responsibility for your parenting. It’s really as simple as that.
(Drops Mic)
I mean, my parents had Richard Pryor Listening parties like every weekend, for goodness sake, and guess what…I ain’t know nathan about a Richard Nobody being a tricky you know what-ey (see, my Mommikins might find herself reading this blog. It’s doubtful, but it being at all possible, I just didn’t write what we all know I was going to write. And if I did know, way back when, wouldn’t no one else know that I knew. #SeenAndNotHeard) You know why…? It's called respect. Know it. Have it. Spread it. I learned it at home.
I was a child and I wasn’t exposed to any and everything that my elders were able to know, understand and process, being the adults they were. Let these babies grow up as normal as possible. Childhood is short, adulthood is NOT.
What say you?
1In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. (Wikipedia)
1In scientific theory that a single occurrence; no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever. 1. A man travelled back in time to prehistoric ages and stepped on a butterfly, and the universe was entirely different when he got back. 2. The flap of a butterfly's wings changed the air around it so much that a tornado broke out two continents away. (Urbandictionary.com)
2#WhereAreTheKids (my grammar pedantry syndrome is showing and contrary to popular belief, it is not incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition as I did above *insert smirking Emoji here – because I did it here, again).
3As if. *insert falling down laughing, holding its tummy, it can't get up Emoji, if it exists.
4Wealth not riches; I’m talking generational wealth, like the Huxtables or the Thompsons (For my BFF, Fee. We will forever love Sister T, fam-a-lam, am I right?!).
Monday, March 14, 2016
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