Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Business Insider Article
13 Sayings Only People From New England Can Understand
Jared Wickerham/Getty
New England, the birthplace of the American Revolution and home to crazed sports fans.New Englanders have a certain way of saying things.
In Yankee country, we call remote controls "clickers," traffic circles "rotaries," and subs "grinders." Mainers tack unnecessary "r"s onto words, like idear, while Bostonians drop 'em all together. It's wickedweeeahd.
And don't even try pronouncing Worcester if you're "from away."
Inspired by Business Insider's recent lists of Southern slang andMidwestern expressions the rest of America doesn't understand, here are 13 New England sayings that will inspire you to visit Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut*, and Rhode Island.
Settle in with a cup of Dunk's and enjoy.
1. "Wicked."
A dead giveaway that you're talking to a New Englander, "wicked" is a general intensifier often followed by "pissah," to mean superb.
Given the Puritan past of New England, the term emerged as apseudo-curse word during the Salem Witch Trials; although it's also said to originate in Maine. In the last 20 to 30 years, the region adopted it as an affectionate nod to the past.
2. "Bang a uey."
Mike Carlson/AP
Mike Carlson/AP
Whether you're cruising the Pike or navigating a parking lot at one of tax-free New Hampshire's outlet malls, to "bang a uey" (pronounced yoo-ee) is far from being a suggestive slur. "Bang" is to turn and "uey" is short for for U-turn, so this basically is just a directive to turn the car around.
3. "Frappe."
The milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard is the frappe (pronounced with a silent "e"). It's an ultra-thick blend of milk, flavored syrup, and any flavor of ice cream available. If you order a milkshake in New England, you'll likely get a soupier concoction of just milk and syrup.
The frappe, often called a "cabinet" in Rhode Island, worked its way into the national vocabulary when in 1994,Starbucks bought the rights to the name "Frappuccino."
4. "Ayuh!"
If a Mainer asks if you read Stephen King's new book, you can assure him, "ayuh!" The informal affirmative, meaning "yes," possibly derived from the nautical "aye." It's mostly associated with the old-fashioned Down East accent, which is still heard in Eastern Maine but is pretty scarce among people under age 40.
5. "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd."
Do so and you're likely to get towed — "Park the car in Harvard Yard" is an old saw used to ridicule the way Bostonians talk. The traditional, John F. Kennedy-famous accent has broad "a"s and is non-rhotic, meaning the "r" sound drops when it precedes other consonants (smart becomes "smaht"), and other times just for fun (chowder becomes "chowdah").
The phrase doesn't make much sense — most of Harvard's historic 22-acre yard is off-limits to vehicles — but it does make five "r"s magically disappear.
6. "That Masshole just cut me off!"
The "Masshole" takes pride in his aggressive and illegal driving habits. The King of Road Rage, he drifts between lanes with reckless abandon, tailgates hard, is too cool to use turn signals, and has demonstrated an inability to yield, merge, observe road signs and speed limits, and function like a human being behind the wheel of a car.
7. "Just because a cat has her kittens in the oven don't make them biscuits."
This odd little analogy heard throughout Vermont and Maine emphasizes the value they place on native status. If you were born in New England, but your parents are originally from out-of-state, you can fuhggedabout claiming to be a true New Englander. Harsh.
One might also say someone is "from away," indicating he isn't a native of Maine.
8. "Now that's a New York System hot wiener!"
A staple of Rhode Island's foodie tradition, these wieners — never "hot dogs" — caught on in the early 1900's and were named to invoke a sense of Coney Island-authenticity. The New York System hot wiener ordered "all the way" is cut short, about four inches long, cooked slowly on a low-heat griddle all day, and topped with mustard, raw chopped onions, celery salt, and a greasy ground-beef sauce.
Wash it down with a bottle of coffee milk, a combination of sweet coffee syrup and milk that is Little Rhody'sofficial state drink.
9. "Make a packie run."
Before the Sox game starts, stock up on some Sam Adams at the package store — "packie" for short, also known as a liquor store. The term is a relic of post-Prohibition days, when purists still didn't care to associate with the likes of boozy-sounding words. "Package" most likely references the plain paper bag you get at checkout.
10. "You can't get there from here."
Before it was a R.E.M. song, this colloquialism served as a tongue-in-cheek response to travelers asking for difficult directions.
It seems like nonsense today, but in Maine during the era of settlement, with few roads, fewer bridges, and tough terrain, many people on the move would often find themselves in sight of their destinations but with no way to get there.
11. "Have a Hoodsie Cup."
A Hoodsie Cup is a small waxed-paper cup filled with half chocolate, half vanilla ice cream, and tastes of frozen whipped cream and nostalgia. Every elementary school child received a red polka-dotted cup with a flat wooden spoon on Ice Cream Days and in-school holidays.
Produced by Massachusetts-based dairy company Hood, Hoodsies launched in 1947 and is still available at Walmart and limited grocery stores in the Northeast.
12. "The kid's got moxie."
Moxie describes someone with vigor, stamina, and guts — a neologism inspired by the official soft drink of Maine. Dr. Augustine Thompson, a Union native, first patented Moxie in 1876 as a medicinal drink that strengthens the nerves and cures "loss of manliness."
The bitter beverage was later rebranded to take advantage of the rapidly growing soft drink market, and by World War II, people were saying, "What this country needs is plenty of Moxie."
13. "Live free or die."
New Hampshire doesn't mess around with freedom. When an illness forced General John Stark, the state's most distinguished Revolutionary War hero, to decline an invitation to the 32nd anniversary reunion of an important battle, he instead sent a written toast to his wartime comrades. It read, "Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils."
More than a century later, the 1945 Legislature adopted it as the official state motto. It remains the ballsiest motto of the 50 states.
Did we miss your favorite? Add it in the comments.
*Apparently Connecticut's only cultural contribution is "Gilmore Girls."
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Today, I deleted an important part of my life.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Yesterday was hard, today was less hard...
I write; therefore I am.
Have you ever felt your heart undeviatingly crack, an ear-splitting break so completely and thoroughly silent, the sound an impending calm screaming with utter stillness so much so that its enormous fissure leaves a gaping so deep that brainwaves will not synapse the proper wording to retaliate, reply, respond or repair, in kind or otherwise, through its deafening eye of the storm, that you literally, and figuratively, had no words?
Yeah, me neither.
...the sun will come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be Sun -- Annie (...and Annie wasn't an orphan for very long after that song, now was she...? Ya know why...because she saw the good in Daddy Warbucks, she was given truth and because she believed.)
All you have to do is Believe.
(I totally want to add that song of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey singing "If You Believe" ... Wouldn't that be AWESOME?!)
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Abu-Jamal's first encounter with the police came when he was 14. He was beaten by a white Philadelphia police officer for disrupting a “George Wallace for President” rally in 1968. Eventually he dropped out of high school and joined the Philadelphia chapter of the Black Panther Party. Jamal was appointed BPP’s “Lieutenant of Information,” putting him in charge of the organization’s media relations and placing him on the radar for surveillance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He eventually earned his graduate equivalency high school degree (GED) and briefly attended Goddard College in Vermont.
In 1975 Abu-Jamal began working for a series of radio stations, using his commentary on issues of the day to advocate for social change. Due to his growing popularity he was elected president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists. Despite his popularity, Abu-Jamal was forced to take a second job as a taxi driver to supplement his income.
Abu-Jamal became nationally prominent, however, when he was arrested for the murder of Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner. On December 9, 1981, Faulkner was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop involving Jamal’s brother, William Cook. During the scuffle between Faulkner and Cook, Abu-Jamal also was shot and taken to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. He was treated and then arrested and charged with first-degree murder. In June 1982, Abu-Jamal was tried. Despite conflicting testimony from key witnesses, Abu-Jamal was found guilty and sentenced to death. In 1994, Abu-Jamal returned to radio once again as a commentator for Prison Radio and for National Public Radio. His NPR commentaries were compiled in 1995 as part ofLive from Death Row, which resulted in Abu-Jamal’s punishment of solitary confinement for engaging in entrepreneurship from prison.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Obamacare vs. The Affordable Care Act
The above video is from Jimmy Kimmel Live, HILARIOUS....
The explanation below (beginning at the title ObamaCare in 100 words) is from and for anyone who would like to make the argument for or against.
The moniker 'Obamacare', simply to inform the masses, was dubbed so to elicit the very above comments. Whether you agree or disagree, the issue is to be INFORMED in order to make a sound intellectual statement/opinion. It is difficult to break down political rhetoric as they are ALL politicians and can be trusted in no sense of the word, lol and the website Sees the Information and Raises the public Understanding.
Ha! Do you see what I did there? As in poker players, of which I am not one? Poker players say, I see your $1000 and I raise you $1000 more! (Sometimes I like to break it down for ya!)
Lol, I kill me. I really really do.
ObamaCare in 100 Words
ObamaCare Simplified Explanation in Bullet Points
Here is a simplified ObamaCare explanation of what every American should know about our new health care law. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) does a lot, luckily most of us don’t need to know the details, let's take a look at what we do need to know:• ObamaCare does’t create health insurance, it regulates the health insurance industry and helps to increase quality, affordability and availability of private insurance.
• Most people who currently have health insurance can keep it.
• Young adults can stay on their parents plan until 26.
• If you don’t have coverage, you can use the new Health Insurance Marketplace to buy a private insurance plan.
• Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace goes from October 1st, 2013 to March 31st, 2014.
• If you don’t obtain coverage or an exemption by January 1st, 2014 you must pay a per-month fee on your federal income tax return for every month you are without health insurance.
• In 2014 the fee is $95 per adult ($47.50 per child) or 1% of income, whichever is higher. The family max is $285.
• The cost of your marketplace health insurance works on a sliding scale. Those who make less, pay less.
• American making less than $45,960 as individual or $94,200 as a family of 4 may be eligible for premium tax credits through the marketplace. Tax credits subsidize insurance premium costs.
• If you are able to get qualified health insurance through your employer you won’t be able to receive marketplace tax credits unless the employer doesn’t cover at least 60% of your premium cost, doesn’t provide quality insurance or provides insurance that exceeds 9.5% of your families income.
• If you are able to get qualified health insurance through your employer you won’t be able to receive marketplace tax credits unless your employer doesn’t cover at least 60% of your premium cost, doesn’t provide quality insurance or provides insurance that exceeds 9.5% of your families income.
• Up to 82% of nearly 16 million uninsured young U.S. adults will qualify for federal subsidies or Medicaid through the marketplace.
• You don’t have to use the marketplace to buy insurance, but you should fill out an application to see if you qualify for assistance before shopping for insurance outside of the marketplace.
• The ACA does away with pre-existing conditions and gender discrimination so these factors will no longer affect the cost of your insurance on or off the marketplace.
• You can’t be denied health coverage based on health status.
• You can’t be dropped from coverage when you are sick.
• Health Insurers can’t place lifetime limits on your coverage. As of 2014 annual limits are eliminated as well.
• All new plans sold on or off the marketplace must include a wide range of new benefits including wellness visits and preventative tests and treatments at no additional out-of-pocket cost.
• All full-time workers who work for companies with over 50 employees must be offered job based health coverage by 2015. Employers who do not offer coverage will pay a per-employee fee.
• Small businesses with under 50 full-time employees can use a part of the marketplace called the SHOP (small business health options program) to purchase group health plans for their employees.
• Small businesses with under 25 full-time employees can use the marketplace to purchase subsidized insurance for their employees.
• Medicare isn’t part of the marketplace. If you have Medicare keep it!
• Medicaid and CHIP are expanded to provide insurance to up to 16 million of our nations poorest.
• When you apply for the marketplace you’ll find out if you qualify for free or low-cost coverage from Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). You’ll also be made aware if you qualify for Medicare.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Good Morning, August!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
T. G. Harrison
Monday, July 15, 2013
Lament from a White Father -- Jim Wallis
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Take Me To The King (Live)
Help me, help me when she ever broke into my FAVORITE gospel song (ok 2nd fave) of all time:
"I Surrender" AND then went back to "Take Me...)
My hand shot into the air...HaLLELujaaaah!
Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart is torn in pieces
It's my offering
Take me to the King
[Verse 1:]
Truth is I'm tired
Options are few
I'm trying to pray
But where are you?
I'm all churched out
Hurt and abused
I can't fake
What's left to do?
Truth is I'm weak
No strength to fight
No tears to cry
Even if I tried
But still my soul
Refuses to die
One touch will change my life
Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn in pieces
It's my offering
Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And sing to You this song
Please take me to the King
[Verse 2:]
Truth is it's time
To stop playing these games
We need a word
For the people's pain
So Lord speak right now
Let it fall like rain
oh, yeah, We're desperate
We're chasing after you
No rules, no religion
I've made my decision
To run to You –
The healer that I need
Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn to pieces
It's my offering
Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And to sing to You this song
Take me to the...
Lord we're in the way
We keep making mistakes
Glory is not for us
It's all for You
Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn to pieces
It's my offering
Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And sing to You this song
Take me to the King [3x]
A Wolf in Wolves Clothing
iAm We are but humans for the world to see There’s millions of others But this world, in this moment Is between only you and little ole...

Ok, Fang Bangers...are we ready for this? Who is going to meet their true death? OMG... Eric? The Krazy Kaaaaaang of Mississippi? Is anyone...
Alright True Blood Fangers, let's go!