So, I wanted to add a blog I'd written before, July 07, 2007 (the seventh month of the year, on the seventh day of the year - Saturday- in the seventh year of the Millenium~Come on, the trilogy is totally balanced!) to share with the masses (there are masses of individuals reading this, ya?) for ceremonial purposes. It has a bit of meaning for moi, is somewhat off kilter, not unlike moi and ya will get used to me, moi and my intricacies soon enough!
I am predictably unpredictable.
Which brings me to the main event...The number 7! Just my wacky cup of psychotic tea. Seriously speaking, things happen to me that point to this particular number regularly, if not succinctly, as in three's, and powerfully profound. Wacky, off-kilter, enigmatic, ridiculous things, life affirming, habit changing, nothing can stop me things...
That was somewhat of a tangent and a littttttttle invasive, so um, could you get your nose out of the business?
Please and thank you.
I do that every now and again. Probably more now, than again. Just trip out, say whatever's at the top of my mind, on my mind, in my mind...I switch voices and personalities when I speak to people and the moment calls for it, I say unexpected things, whistle while I work...
But I digress.
Yet, again.
Eh...we all have our cross(es) to bear.
At any rate, the number 7 is said to be the number of mystery, relating to the spiritual peace of life. Ok well, technically it is the spiritual "piece" but I take writer's liberty in my works of faction...a number of mystery, a number of luck, YOU be the judge:
There are seven main planets in the zodiac.
There are seven continents in the world.
There are seven wonders of the world.
There are seven colors in the rainbow.
There are seven days in a week.
There are seven seas on the Earth.
There are seven deadly sins.
I could go on but I will not.
Because I am exhausted and my niece Nyla has been calling me, "TEEEEEEE TEEEEEEEEE!!!" Which is her treacherous three-year-old choice of calling me Auntie, just to tell me, mind you, and once again, "Goodnight."
I shall treat her as the beautiful little Princess that she is, only I imagine her Asian as she is sporting a tiny deep red Kimono and slippers anticipating 08/08/08 as that day is the day in which a number of Asian people find to bless them with luck. The seventh "thing" is my thing, my personal thing.
Experience shows me that 7 will always be there for me. The next day of luck may be hers, as I refuse to move from this spot, at this moment, as I focus on mine. As she grows I will remind her of these things and I will pay strict attention to her numerology.
She is calling me now, more persistently, however, it is but a whisper. Only time will tell if this, 8th time, for her, will actually be the charm.
This is, for all intents and purposes, fortunate or Life.